In the institutional political context and in civil society, there is now a widespread consensus on the urgency and importance of the problems climate change creates related to global warming. This belief is further strengthened also thanks to a series of substantial investments made by the European Union aimed at promoting the decarbonisation and digitalisation of the economy in order to make it sustainable.

Combating climate change, therefore, means facing a very ambitious challenge, which requires a global rethinking of the current development model, promoting technological progress and structural productivity, to ensure that the economy can grow while minimising CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

The European Green Deal shows the way and, given the size of the investments to be made, institutions and governments are called upon to lead this transformation, creating further and significant implications on the markets and on the value of financial assets.

The role that the financial industry can play emerges in this context. A different allocation of capital represents an incentive for companies or institutions to direct their development towards low carbon impact business and technologies, which will probably become the global economy’s main growth engine for the foreseeable future.

Kairos wishes to actively contribute to the creation of a more inclusive, more open and transparent economic system, serving the community, the economy and businesses and does so with the launch of the new KIS Climate Change ESG product because it is important to direct the recovery towards sustainable and fair choices, without losing sight of the investment opportunity that this challenge represents.


Kairos International Sicav Climate Change ESG is Kairos’ solution focused on companies that are able to offer solutions for the economy’s transition from brown to green which explicitly aim to reduce emissions, improve efficiency in the use of resources and limit the physical consequences of climate change.

It is a themed equity product that invests globally, with the aim of achieving long-term capital appreciation.

The management style is active, characterised by fundamental analysis with full discretion in allocating the portfolio. The benchmark is used for performance comparison purposes and for performance fees calculation.

In addition to the main trends related to climate change, KIS Climate Change ESG also invests in contiguous sectors or sectors that are not apparently directly impacted; we can thus distinguish two investment targets:

Solution Provider

a company able to provide solutions that can be directly used in policies to combat climate change







Related companies

providing solutions to manage the physical effects of climate change or which can benefit from policies to combat climate change







KIS Climate Change ESG responds to the needs of customers who are aware of and sensitive to climate change issues and who wish to direct their investments towards a circular economy, capable of restoring biodiversity and reducing pollution, promoting a positive impact on the world without giving up to profit. It is addressed to investors with a high risk tolerance, who have experience or do understand the so-called risk capital products and are willing to bear even significant capital losses (in case they occur). The investment implies a risk component, consequently, some or all of the originally invested capital may not be recovered. Past performance does not predict future returns. The KIS Climate Change ESG summary risk indicator is 6 out of 7.


Kairos has chosen Francesco Zantoni to manage Climate Change ESG.

Backed by its in-depth knowledge of the target market, Zantoni believes that companies that can detect threats and anticipate difficulties or which help find a solution to to problems related to climate change will benefit from structural growth in the long term.

In line with Kairos’ policy and based on research by Sustainalytics (one of the leading European ESG rating agencies), the manager also takes into account compliance with ESG principles by the companies in which it invests, such as by way of example the impact of company decisions on the environment., working conditions, the composition of the boards of directors, capable of having an effect on the value of the company.

The Fund promotes, in addition to traditional financial considerations, Sustainable Investments as it takes ESG factors into account in the selection of its investments. Further information on sustainability aspects is available at the following link: This product is categorised as SFDR Article 8.

Francesco Zantoni
Francesco Zantoni
Portfolio Manager
Alberto Tocchio
Alberto Tocchio
Co-Portfolio Manager
For more details on KIS Climate Change ESG
To request a personalised advisory
The Kairos Group is a signatory of the PRI, the United Nations initiative which contributes to developing a more sustainable global financial system.
‘Ensign’ is the iconic emblem of the responsible commitment of Kairos towards a better world and its conviction that sustainable development is the business model of the future which must be implemented now.


This is a marketing communication for advertising purposes. Please refer to the Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) before making any final investment decision. These documents are available in Italian on the website and at the registered office of Kairos Partners SGR S.p.A. (“Kairos”) and placement agents, also in a paper copy. A summary of investor rights is available in both Italian and English at Past performance is shown net of expenses borne by the Fund and before taxes. Past performance does not predict future returns. The investment concerns the acquisition of shares in the Fund and not a given underlying asset which remains the property of the Fund. The investment implies a risk component, consequently, some or all of the originally invested capital may not be recovered. Exchange rates movements may affect the value of the investment and costs when expressed in a currency other than the investor’s reference currency. Information on the features of the Fund and general sustainability aspects (ESG) can be found at, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088. If the Fund is marketed in countries other than the country of origin, Kairos has the right to terminate the marketing agreements based on the withdrawal of notification process provided for by Directive 2009/65/EC.
The information and opinions provided herein do not constitute a public offer, nor a personalised recommendation. They do not represent a contract and are not prepared in accordance with a legislative provision, nor are they sufficient to make an investment decision and are not intended for persons residing in the United States of America or other countries in which the Fund is not authorized for marketing. The information and data are deemed correct, complete and accurate. However, Kairos does not provide any express or implied representation or warranty as to the accuracy, comprehensiveness or fairness of the data and information and, when they have been drafted by or derive from third parties, assumes no liability for the accuracy, comprehensiveness, fairness or adequacy of such data and information, although the sources used are considered to be reliable. When not specified otherwise, the data, information and opinions are to be deemed updated at the report date and may be subject to changes with no prior notice or subsequent communication. Any citations, summaries or reproductions of the information, data or opinions provided herein by Kairos must not alter the original meaning, nor can they be used for commercial purposes and must cite the source (Kairos Partners SGR S.p.A.) and the website Citation, reproduction and, in any case, use of the data and information of third parties it must occur, when allowed, in full compliance with the rights of the relative owners.

Kairos Partners SGR SpA | Via San Prospero 2 I 20121 Milan – VAT No. 12825720159 | All rights reserved.