KIS Bond is a bond fund that invests in the European bond market with a focus on government, corporate investment grade and financial senior bonds. Portfolio choices are mainly focused on the European territory, with the possibility of investments at an international level on an opportunistic basis.

The management style is active, with a total return perspective. The use of derivative instruments is envisaged through non-directional strategies which tend to increase earning opportunities and improve their flexibility. Fundamental analysis with a bottom-up approach guides the selection of issuers and issues.

The management team pays particular attention to:

– risk control: the volatility of the sub-fund remains within extremely low values;
– liquidity: invested financial assets are readily liquid.

Portfolio construction takes place according to the principles of broad diversification, using all the instruments of the bond market to adapt to different economic contexts.

The main management objective is to achieve medium-term capital growth while maintaining low volatility. Particular attention is paid to controlling the level of risk.

Recording date May 2018

Starting from 1 January 2023, any reference to the KIID ("Key Information Investors Documents") must be considered replaced by KID ("Key Information Documents"), in compliance with current legislation

Identity card

  • Category

    Fixed-income fund

  • Management style

    The management style is total return

  • Investment universe

    Government and corporate bonds with a focus on Europe

  • Objective

    Generate returns while maintaining low volatility in the medium to long term

  • Level of risk
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

  • Factsheet