Kairos wins as Best Equity Italia Management Group at the Citywire Italia Awards 2020

16 December 2020

According to the “Citywire Italia Awards 2020” Kairos ranked first as the Best Italian Equity Group.
Massimo Trabattoni, Head of Kairos’ Italian Equity, was also awarded a silver medal, for his second place in the ranking of the Best Italian Equity Manager.

The Citywire Awards have for years been an important recognition that rewards both the work of the greatest talents of asset management but also the overall performance of all groups on the Italian and global market.
The Best Group Awards, in particular, are a recognition of the skills of the asset management companies that have distinguished themselves during the year for the creation of value.

“For Kairos this is a further confirmation of the strength of his laboratory of talents and a gratification for all the work done during a particular year like the one at the end. The year 2020 for the Equity market will go down in history due to the volatility that has characterized it. The Italian market has suffered an even more significant decline as a reflection of the serious situation we experienced in our country, but has been able to demonstrate a great resilience thanks to the strength of the companies and also to the good news coming from Europe on the European Central Bank and Recovery Fund side. Achieving a better result than the FTSE MIB and at the same time containing this volatility was a considerable challenge that Team Italian Equity, with this award, has shown that it can successfully face” commented the Head of Italian Equity.

See all rankings: https://bit.ly/2KvOqhb

To know the assignment criteria, please refer to Citywire: https://bit.ly/2Wk5ysN