“The PIR instrument introduced by the Government under the recent Stability Law represents a huge opportunity for the Italian economic system and also for savers, who can diversify their portfolio advantageously with a new form of medium/long-term investment. Nevertheless, I hope that the Government will complete the legislation including closed funds of 3 to 5 years length and maybe extending to these funds the fiscal benefits given to innovative small and medium sized enterprises” stated Paolo Basilico, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Kairos in an interview to Il Sole 24 Ore on 2017, September 27th about the KIS Italia PIR launch, the individual saving plan of Kairos.
KIS Italia PIR is a flexible equity fund of Luxembourg Sicav Kairos International Sicav focused on performance and volatility control.
The product is built on three asset classes: Italian Equity, Corporate Bond and European Equity and is managed by an ad hoc team that puts together the expertise of three specialized desks lead respectively by Massimo Trabattoni, Head of Italian Equities, Rocco Bove, Head of Fixed Income and Federico Trabucco, Senior Portfolio Manager European Equities.
To read the Press Release click here