This is the title that Milano Finanza gave to a recent interview with Massimo Trabattoni, Italian Equity Manager at Kairos. “This is a good time for markets, especially in Italy: macroeconomic indicators show signs of recovery and growth forecasts have been revised upwards, so we are seeing rising interest even from foreign investors,” he said.
Massimo Trabattoni has exploited these trends and the Kairos International Sicav’s Italia and Risorgimento funds are reaping the rewards. Indeed, news that management of the Lemanik Sicav Italy and Lemanik Sicav High Growth funds is changing hands is fresh off the presses. Under Trabattoni’s guidance, the funds performed brilliantly, even during market downturns.
Lemanik Sicav Italy just placed first out of 52 funds in the Citywire ranking of three-year mixed asset balanced funds, nearly 20 percentage points ahead of the fund in the number two slot (the Bluerating ranking is attached). This year, Trabattoni, who also has an AA Citywire rating, received the 2015 High Yield Award from Il Sole 24 Ore for the best balanced fund, and was called to the stage at the 2015 Morningstar Awards to accept Lemanik Sicav High Growth’s five-star rating.
Trabattoni will now focus his expertise on two Kairos Group products boasting excellent track records: first, KIS Italia, which, since it was launched (June 2013), has shown a positive performance of 46.78%* (Class X), compared to Lemanik Italy’s 35.07%, and second, KIS Risorgimento, with 35.93%* (Class P) since its launch (October 2013), versus Lemanik High Growth’s 27.47%.
“KIS Italia is a flexible fund managed using long/short strategies, which exploits different opportunities depending on the stage in the market cycle: this might even mean letting opportunities go by if they are disproportionate to the risk level,” emphasized Trabattoni, whereas “KIS Risorgimento is an actively-managed, directional product that invests in the top performers at a given time and in the most visible domestic businesses.”
Press Release (Bluerating e Milano Finanza)
*Data at 31 August 2015. Past returns are not indicative of future results.